10 Reasons Why You Should Be Getting Waxed

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Getting Waxed

Hair removal is a long-time debate among women and men. Shaving can be as popular as waxing nowadays, but it comes with its own set of issues and drawbacks. The question is: is there a better option out there? Well, the answer is waxing.

Waxing is a safe way of removing hair in comparison with other methods. It takes less than an hour or two for this procedure to be completed. Plus, you can always reuse your waxup roll-on kit repeatedly. This way, you are saving that extra cash on buying new wax every time!

Here are 10 reasons why waxing is the best choice:

  1. Less cuts. When you replace harsh, sharp blades with waxup, you’ll see a huge difference and your skin will thank you. Using Post-Waxing Gel with aloe vera helps to soothe the skin as well. No more cuts!
  2. No more itching. Nobody likes the itchy feeling that comes from shaving. Eliminate your discomfort with the waxup roll-on kits, followed by the Wax Remover Oil and Post-Waxing Gel that immediately moisturizes and soothes skin, leaving it feeling smooth and hydrated. 
  3. Long-lasting results. Shaving is the quickest way to eliminate unwanted hair. The problem is that shaving doesn’t remove all the hair follicles; sometimes, it will leave behind some prickly stubble that comes back in a day two. Waxing removes the hair from its root, which takes longer than shaving to grow back, up to 3 to 4 weeks!
  4. The hair becomes thinner. Waxing is by far the most common method to get rid of that unwanted body hair, and it also one of the best ways to do so. The first time you wax, the hair starts to grow much thinner. Also, hairs will become easier to pull out!
  5. Bye bye hairs? Removing the root of the hair when you wax means that there's less new hair to grow back. It can also sometimes lead to no hair growing back at all!
  6. Exfoliate with waxing. Waxing removes dead skin cells, exfoliates your skin, and leaves a brand-new layer of skin after each waxing treatment. 
  7. Hello smooth skin. There are many benefits to waxing that make it a popular choice among people looking to remove their hair. There is no risk of razor burn or ingrown hairs like with shaving where stubble comes back almost immediately. After waxing with waxup your skin will be smooth for weeks!
  8. Say goodbye to hyperpigmentation! In some cases, hyperpigmentation – when small areas of the skin become darker than the rest – is developed from shaving constantly. With waxing, this doesn’t happen – but make sure to wear sunscreen! You can still get hyperpigmentation with sun exposure directly after waxing.
  9. Save time with waxing. Shaving is time-consuming and inconvenient! You have to make sure everything is just perfect, and then it takes forever. Plus, you risk razor burn or cutting yourself when you shave in a rush. After waxing, there is no need to think about hair removal for weeks!
  10. It’s the perfect option if you can’t laser. While laser hair removal is a great option for many people, it’s not right for everyone. Some people find it too painful, while others may not be suited to the treatment based on their skin tone or cost. And if you’re pregnant, you need to skip laser altogether.